
IDee in general

Forum for Interdisciplinary Dialogue:
„Ideas, Innovation and Communication” - IDee

Since 2008/09 the University of Vienna has been supporting interdisciplinary debate and research on an interdepartmental and cross-faculty level by initiating a “Forum for Interdisciplinary Dialogue”.

The rector’s office appointed the University of Vienna’s winners of the Wittgenstein-Award to support and organise this panel in its start-up phase.
We are more than happy to undertake this task!

Firstly, researchers who have an interest in interdisciplinary work will be given the opportunity to exchange experiences in interdisciplinary project work and thus establish networks. The aim is to bring social sciences, cultural studies and natural sciences in dialogue.

Secondly, events and project teams with interdisciplinary character will be supported, thus creating an open space for innovation and ideas, exchange and discussion across disciplinary, faculty as well as departmental boundaries.
Particularly interdisciplinary lectures, “Scientific Speed Datings”, workshops or symposia will take place and be supported/ funded by IDee.

By creating the “Forum for Interdisciplinary Dialogue”, we provide an open space for scientific encounters and exchange on an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental and cross-faculty level, and also between various Austrian universities.

We are looking forward to your IDeas!

The ID-committee

University of Vienna | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43 1 4277 17575